7 Tips for Getting The Most Out of Your Conference Experience

7 Tips for Getting The Most Out of Your Conference Experience

Getting the most out of your conference experience is a top priority for any conference-goer. But when it comes to preparing, there’s so much to think about. 

What to bring? How to plan?

Through years of trial and error, we’ve both made some mistakes and gotten a few things right. Whether this is your first conference or it’s been a while, it’s never too late to learn a few new tricks to make your conference experience that much better. 

With LeadingAge 2021 around the corner, our most experienced conference-goers compiled a list of 7 tips for your upcoming conference experience. 

Tips for Your Best Conference Experience

1. Pack Light

You may be tempted to throw in a few extra pairs of socks or an extra change (or 3) of outfits. While we understand the urge to overpack, it’s best to pack light (with layering options). While the focus of your travel is the conference, you may want to take advantage of the great shopping around the convention center. This year, we’ll be heading to Atlanta, a shopping hub, for the 2021 LeadingAge conference. During conference downtime, you can check out Atlantic Station for some fun boutique shopping.

2. Don’t Forget Comfortable Walking Shoes

Even though the conference is held within the convention center, you’ll be surprised just how much walking you’ll do. You’ll want to be sure you have comfortable shoes to get you from one booth to the next!

3. Plan Ahead

With so many sessions and events packed into a few days, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lost in the hustle and bustle without a strong game plan. A few weeks ahead, view the conference schedule and research the keynote speakers and sessions. That way, you’ll be prepared for discussion topics and have pre-planned questions that you want to answer.

4. Create a Schedule/Calendar

During your research of the conference schedule, make note of which sessions, speakers, and events are most important to you. Create a schedule of events or an outlook calendar with reminders for your sessions, meetings with partners/companies, or get-togethers to keep you on schedule—and on time!

5.  Pre-Schedule Meetings

An important part of any conference is networking with industry friends and making new connections. With packed conference schedules, it can be difficult to carve out time on your calendars last minute. Instead, reach out in advance to those that you know you want to connect with and pre-schedule a meeting in-between sessions or outside of the conference hours.

6.  Don’t Forget Swag!

Take advantage of the fun swag that agencies, businesses, and senior living partners will be handing out. Plus, another reason to have extra room in your suitcase!

7.  Bring Business Cards

While most things may be digital now, you’ll want to have physical business cards on hand. Handing out a business card to a new connection can be a huge timesaver when you’re on a tight schedule.

Ready for LeadingAge 2021?

With these 7 tips, you’ll be all set for a great conference experience. While you’re there, come check out the Angell Marketing booth (#2821). We’d love to meet with you and see how we can help solve your community’s challenges with The Angell Effect. Learn more and sign up for a time to meet with us at LeadingAge at theangelleffect.com.

To learn more about how we can support your community, view some examples of our work or contact us to learn more. Plus, follow us on LinkedIn for news and more helpful tips.

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