What's Your Story?

Assisted Living & Healthcare Awareness Campaign

What’s Your Story?

The Challenge

Work Performed
  • Direct mail campaign
  • Landing page
  • Email outreach, optimized for mobile
  • Print advertising
  • Digital display advertising

After being open for a year, our community partner – which offers independent living, assisted living and memory care – was lagging in assisted living move-ins. As a newer brand in the market, awareness was paramount in our marketing strategy. With an active paid search and SEO strategy already in place, it was time to consider additional tactics to support what is generally a more challenging marketing lift: garnering awareness around healthcare offerings.

The Angell Marketing Solution

A Healthcare-Focused Multi-Channel Awareness Campaign

Knowing the adult child influencer (ACI) is the target audience for higher levels of care, we created two awareness direct mails. These were the first marketing pieces a lot of the audience received – and we are speaking to two distinct audiences, so it required a gentle, thoughtful approach to the idea of a senior loved one needing care.

The copy and imagery evoke reminiscence, while the interior brings us to present-day, inviting the recipient to be part of something special at the community. The accompanying landing page, mirroring the direct mail and featuring a video we produced that tells the story of one resident and his family.

We augmented the effort with print advertising and digital display tactics.

The Results

Want to know more about being where your prospects are when they need you? We’d be happy to share the results of our approach to healthcare lead generation.

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